24 เมษายน 2556
Form to Report on Names of Members and Scope of Work of the Audit Committee
F 24-1
Form to Report on Names of Members and Scope of Work of the Audit Committee
The Board of Directors meeting of Master Ad Public Company Limited No.1/2013
held on February 8, 2013 has approved the Appointment Pol.Sub.Lt. Kriengsak
Lohachala to be the Chairman of audit committee, which was effective as of April
24, 2013. The details are as follow:
The audit committee is consisted of:
1. Pol.Sub.Lt. Kriengsak Lohachala Chairman of the Audit Committee
Remaining Terms: as same as director of the company
2. Mr. Pornsak Limboonyaprasert Member of the Audit Committee
Remaining Terms: as same as director of the company
3. Mrs.Ubolrat Bhokamonwong Member of the Audit Committee
Remaining Terms: as same as director of the company
Secretary of the Audit Committee: Miss.Tamonwan Narinthavanich
The audit committee numbers 2 and 3 have adequate expertise and experience to
review creditability of the financial reports.
The Audit Committee of the Company has the scope of duties and
1. Review the company's financial statement for accurate, reliable and
sufficient disclosure.
2. Review the efficiency and effectiveness of the company's internal control
and internal audit.
3. Review the company's procedure to comply with the rules and regulations
of the Stock
Exchange of Thailand and other related regulatory.
4. Peruse the disclosure of related transaction
5. Follow the duties assigned by the Board of Directors and agreed by the
Audit Committee.
6. Review and propose the appointment and remuneration for auditors
7. Prepare and sign in the audit committee report and disclose in the
company's annual report
with the following details:
7.1 Provide opinion for process and disclosure of information in
financial statement to be accurate, reliable, and sufficient,
7.2 Provide opinion for sufficient internal control system,
7.3 Provide opinion for appropriation of the appointed auditor,
7.4 Provide opinion to comply with the rules and regulations of
Security Exchange Committee, Stock Exchange of Thailand, and
other related regulatory,
7.5 Other opinions which shareholders and investors should know
under duties and responsibilities,
The company hereby certifies that
1. The qualifications of the aforementioned members meet all the
requirements of the
Stock Exchange of Thailand; and
2. The scope of duties and responsibilities of the audit committee as
stated above meet all
the requirements of the Stock Exchange of Thailand
(Noppadon Tansalarak)
(Phiched Maneerattanaporn)
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of the information and related documents of listed company or issuer to the
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clarification regarding this announcement, please directly contact listed
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